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Vendor Support

We're here to help! Please review these frequently asked questions and if you still need assistance, contact us.


Frequently asked questions during prequalification registration.

Bid Opportunities

All you need to know about bidding opportunities.


Learn more about the PlanetBids’ vendor portal.

General FAQs

How does the PlanetBids vendor portal work?

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PlanetBids is a web-enabled procurement and electronic bidding system, implemented by agencies to provide better service and convenience to their vendors. In order for the system to work effectively, you must register with the agency online. As a registered and approved vendor in the system, you will be automatically notified of Bid Alerts that match the categories you have entered in your vendor profile. You may, at any time, search for the latest contracting opportunities available, request and download documents, and bid electronically (if applicable) on all open requests up until bid closing. Best of all, this service is offered to vendors for free!

Do you have a list of all of the agencies that you do business with?

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For a partial list of Agencies using the PB System™, please select About Us in the navigation bar. A comprehensive list is available when you sign up for Vendorline. What is VendorLine? VendorLine is a service provided for vendors who wish to simplify the process of registering, updating profiles and finding opportunities across multiple agencies all in one place.

For more information regarding VendorLine and how it can increase your company’s growth, please visit

How do I become a registered vendor?

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If you would like to become a registered vendor, please select "New Vendor Registration" from the Agency’s main vendor portal and complete any mandatory items within each tab. All mandatory fields are denoted by a red asterisk.

Depending upon the Agency, you may have additional tabs to complete. Please read each question on the additional tab(s) and select yes or no. You may select no and come back later to change it to yes. Selecting yes, will generate an additional list of questions you will need to complete.

When you are done completing the vendor registration form, select "Register" at the bottom right corner of the page to submit your profile. Registration is immediate; you do not need to wait for the confirmation email to log in or begin using the system.

Can I have more than one email address?

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Yes, within your vendor profile, in the “Company Info” tab under the “Main Contact” section, you can enter a main email address, as well as an alternate email address for bid notifications.

How do I know my registration was submitted and do I have to wait for confirmation?

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Upon successful registration, the New Registration Confirmation pop-up will appear. You will also receive an email confirmation with your login information. However, you do not need to wait for the confirmation email to begin using the system. If you do not receive the email confirmation please check your spam/junk folder and check that your IT department has on their whitelist.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

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Select "Login" if you have not already done so. Select "Forgot" and enter your email address, then select "Send Email". An email will be sent to both the primary and alternate email addresses in your profile with your password. Note: if a PIN is required to bid, the PIN will only be sent to the primary email address.

How can I confirm that my profile can be found by those looking for prequalified vendors?

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The Certified Vendor Search allows the public to search for vendors that have been approved for Prequalification by the Agency. On the Vendor Portal select Certified Vendors, you will need to log in if you have not already done so. Use the search options to find your profile or to find other prequalified vendors.

I am not receiving emails.

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Please check your spam and junk mail folders to make sure the emails have not gone there.

Log in to your profile and ensure that you typed your email address in correctly.

If you still have not received the emails, please have your IT department "whitelist" the domain to ensure that the notifications are not being blocked.

How do I find bids and receive bid notifications?

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There are two different ways that you can search and receive bid notifications from PlanetBids.

Free: You may search for bids by going directly to the Vendor Portal of that Agency, select Bid Opportunities and either scroll through the list or use the search criteria fields at the top. Once you find a bid you are interested in, you can find out more details and participate by double clicking on the bid.

To participate, you will need to register directly with the Agency. Based on the categories that you select during registration, you will automatically receive an email notification when a bid is issued that matches your selection(s).

Fee Based: Register with VendorLine. VendorLine is a service that will notify you of new bids based on Categories, Keywords, and States selected. On a nightly basis, the system will cross reference your notification criteria against the Project Title, Invitation Number, Categories, and Description of every new bid issued by all Agencies using PlanetBids. If there is a match, you will receive a notification first thing in the morning. For more information on VendorLine, please go to

I am trying to register and the system states that I need a valid email even though it is valid.

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Check to ensure that there are no blank spaces before or after the email address. If you are still receiving an error message, try highlighting the entire field, delete it, and then re-enter your email address.

Can I save my registration and come back to finish it later?

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There is no Save function for the main vendor profile until all required information has been completed. You can leave the page open and, as long as your browser or computer is not shut off, your information will not be deleted.

Exceptions: If you are completing the Prequalification Tab on Vendor Registration (not applicable to all Agencies), the Prequalification Tab can be saved incomplete. Be sure all other tabs are complete and select “Register”. You may come back and edit the Prequalification Tab at any time.

Where do I change my password or update my profile information?

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Once you have completed the registration process, you will be able to make changes to your company profile at any time by logging in and editing your profile. From the main portal, simply log in if you have not already done so, and select "Vendor Profile". Make the necessary changes and select "Submit".

Where can I update/enter our DIR number?

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Log in and select Vendor Profile. On the Classifications/Licenses tab, under the subheader Classifications, scroll down and select Registered DIR Public Works Contractor, then enter your reference number and expiration date. Be sure to select Submit.

Does PlanetBids use NAICS, NIGP, etc. codes for services?

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Each Agency chooses their own category codes. Agencies can use any code system they choose such as NIGP, NAICS, SIC, etc., or a combination of code systems.

Prequalification Questions

Can I save my prequalification registration and come back to finish it later?

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Yes, to save your Prequalification application as a draft please be sure that the main tabs (Company Info through Category/Description) have been completed before selecting Register or Submit. You may come back and edit the Prequalification Tab at any time.

How do I print or retrieve a copy of our certification letter for my records?

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To print or retrieve your certification letter, go to the certification and or prequalification tab within your Vendor Profile and select Letter. The Print button will be at the bottom of the letter.

How do I re-apply for Prequalification?

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To re-apply, go to the Prequalification tab within your Vendor Profile and select Re-Apply next to your current Prequalification status. Complete your information and select Submit.

I am having difficulty uploading attachments.

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If you are returning to your eBid don’t forget to select Edit to make updates. Select the Attach button and do the following in each box:

File Name: Click in the cell to select a file from your computer/documents

File Title: Create a name for your document

Upload only one file per Attach. If you need to upload more documents than allowed you can create a zip folder and attach it in one of the locations provided for files.

You may select Remove to remove the document previously selected and upload a new file.

Bid Opportunities Questions

How will I know when there is a new bid request that matches the services we provide?

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Based on the categories that you select during registration, you will automatically receive an email notification when a bid is issued that matches your selection(s).

You may also search the Agency’s Bid Opportunities section at any time to view bids that have been issued. A list of codes used by the Agency for notification purposes will be listed. If you did not receive a notice for a bid listed, you may wish to update your profile with the appropriate code(s) to ensure future notifications.

How do I download documents?

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From within the bid go to the Documents/Attachments Tab and select Download Now. (You may be asked to log in, if you have not already done so). The first time you try to download documents a Prospective Bidder Detail pop-up will appear. Confirm the information listed is correct and select Done. This will add your information to the Prospective Bidders list. Select Download next to each file associated with the bid. The system will record which file(s) you’ve download and which one(s) you still need to download.

How do I pay for electronic bid documents if the Agency is charging a fee for the documents?

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To pay for electronic bid documents from within the bid go to the Documents/Attachments tab and select Download Now (you may be asked to log in, if you have not already done so). The first time you try to download documents a Prospective Bidder Detail pop-up will appear. Confirm the information listed is correct and select “Done”. This will add your information to the Prospective Bidders list. Select Download Now again. Complete the payment information fields and select Submit to process your payment or Cancel. Once your order has been processed, you may print a receipt. Once you clear the receipt a box will appear with the documents available for download. Select "Download" for each file listed. The system will record which file(s) you’ve download and which one(s) you still need to download.

Note: Documents can be downloaded or printed at any time after the payment is made for no additional charge.

Is there a plan holders’ list for the bid and where can I find it?

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From within the bid go to the Prospective Bidders tab to view all plan holders. If the list is not available, the Agency has opted not to share the list.

I want to remove myself from the Prospective Bidders list.

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You cannot remove yourself from the Prospective Bidders list but you may opt out of being a prospective bidder. To Opt Out go to the Prospective Bidders tab and select My PB Profile in the upper right hand corner. Change your status from Bidder to one of the two Non-Bidder selections. If you choose Non-Bidder, No Communications, you will no longer receive notifications on the bid in question. You will need to fill out why you are no longer interested in bidding this project prior to submitting your status change.

Note: If you change your bidding status to either Non-Bidder selections, only the Agency posting the bid can change your status back to Bidder.


How do I know if a bid is bidding electronically or by paper?

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From the main Bid Opportunities search results, refer to the column labeled Format to determine if the bid is bidding “Electronic only”, “Paper only” or “Electronic & Paper”.

Within the bid itself, under the Bid Detail tab, the Response Format will list if the bid is bidding “Electronic only”, “Paper only” or “Electronic & Paper”.

How does electronic bidding work?

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To bid electronically, be sure to have only one instance of the bid open; duplicate windows may result in an incomplete bid.

From within the bid select Place eBid located at the bottom right corner of the page. You will be prompted to log in if you have not already done so.

a. If applicable, the system will validate that all main bid documents have been downloaded from this site. The system will prompt you to download any missing documents. Refer to the Download column to view your download status. Each file must say Yes.

b. If applicable, the system will validate that addenda have been acknowledged. The system will prompt you to acknowledge all addenda if you have not already done so. Refer to the acknowledgement column to view your acknowledgement status. Double click on any that say No and select Acknowledge/Done. Repeat as necessary.

c. Select Place eBid if a or b were applicable to your bid.

You must accept the Agency's Terms and Conditions in order to continue with the eBid process. For questions regarding the Agency's Terms and Conditions, please contact the buyer listed on the bid posting.

You must also accept the Welcome message to continue with the eBid process. Please be sure to read this message carefully, as it has important instructions regarding submitting a bid electronically.

Complete the information requested on all the tabs shown in the eBid process. At any time you may select Save to save a Draft of your eBid. When returning to a Draft eBid, you must select Edit to make changes to your bid.

When your bid is complete, select Submit. You can either select Cancel to return to the eBid to make changes, or select OK to process your submission. The system will validate to ensure that you have not missed a required element and/or that a new addenda has not been issued. The system will warn you if it finds any missing information.

Note: Please allow ample time for file upload(s). Do not close your browser during the submission process.

A confirmation box will appear upon successful completion of your submission. This will include your confirmation number and eBid date/time stamp. You may review and print a copy of your submission by selecting Summary. At any time prior to bid closing you may select Place eBid and follow the prompts to edit your submitted eBid. When returning, you must select Edit to make changes to your bid. When making an edit to an already submitted eBid, the last fully submitted bid will be presented to the Agency if the bid closes before you re-submit.

For additional questions, you may contact the PlanetBids support team at (818) 992-1771 and press "0".

I need a PIN number to submit my bid.

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Return to your Vendor Profile and on the Company Info tab, towards the bottom of the page, check the box "I am authorized to sign bids and offers". Once the box is checked, select Submit. The PIN number will be emailed to the main contact.

What is a response file, cost file, and/or general attachment?

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Response file: Your main bid proposal.

Cost file: The pricing for the item(s)/service(s) requested by the Agency.

General attachments: Any other document(s) the Agency is requesting you submit to them.

Note: If you need information as to what is included in the proposal (cost file, general attachments, etc.) you must refer to the bid documents or contact the Agency directly.

How do I create a zip file?

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From a PC:

  1. Hold the CTRL button down and select the files that you wish to place in the zip folder
  2. After you have selected all the files, release the CTRL button
  3. Right click with your mouse over one of the files
  4. A menu will appear, select Send
  5. Select Compressed (zipped) folder. A new zip folder will be created with all selected documents/files

From a Mac:

  1. Locate the files to zip in Mac Finder (file system)
  2. Hold down the Command button and then select the files you want to zip
  3. After you have selected all the files, release the Command button
  4. Right click with your mouse over one of the files
  5. Select Compress # Items. A new zip folder will be created with all selected files

Can I edit my electronic bid?

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Yes, at any time prior to bid closing you may select Place eBid. After accepting the Terms and Conditions message, be sure to select Edit to make changes to your bid.

When making an edit to an already submitted eBid, the last fully submitted bid will be presented to the Agency if the bid closes before you re-submit.

Is there a way to print or export my eBid?

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Yes, you may print your eBid upon confirmation of submission by selecting Summary and then Print.

Can I withdraw my electronic bid?

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Yes, you can withdraw your electronic bid at any time prior to bid closing. Select Place eBid, accept the Terms and Conditions message and then select Withdraw.

I need information on why my bid wasn’t accepted

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All requests for bid submission information (approvals or failures) must be directed to the Agency conducting the bid.

Can we access closed bids and award information?

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Yes, you may access any bid, regardless of stage, that has not been archived by the Agency. Once a bid has closed, the main bid documents will no longer be available. Bid Results and Award information will be available when/if released by the Agency.

How come I cannot access my eBid from months ago?

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Once the bid is closed, the Place eBid button is no longer available. If the Agency has made bid results public, you can view the released information on the Bid Results tab.

How do I search for current or past bid listings?

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You may search the Agency’s Bid Opportunities section at any time to view bids that have been issued. You may narrow the search results by using any of the criteria selection options listed at the top. Results can be further sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header. To view bid details simply double click and navigate through the tabs at the top.

How do I order hard copy bid documents?

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If hard copy plans are available to order, they will be located at the bottom of the Documents/Attachments tab. Select Order Plans (you will be asked to log in, if you have not already done so). The first time you try to order documents a Prospective Bidder Detail pop-up will appear. Confirm the information listed is correct and select Done. This will add your information to the Prospective Bidders list. Select the document(s) you wish to order and select Done. Complete the order form and select Done. A message will appear if your order was successfully completed.

Note: You can check on the status of your order by going to the Prospective Bidders tab and selecting My PB Profile in the upper right hand corner. Once your prospective bidder profile is displayed, go to the Orders tab.

How can I download addenda files and acknowledge addenda?

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From within the bid go to the Addenda & Emails tab. Double click on the addendum you wish to download/view and acknowledge. If applicable, double click on the attached file(s) to download. At the bottom left-hand corner of the addendum box, select Acknowledge. You will be prompted to log in if you have not already done so prior to acknowledging. If the Acknowledge button is not available, you have either already acknowledged the addendum or the bid may be closed.

How do I become a prospective bidder?

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Depending on how the Agency has set up the bid, there are several ways to become a prospective bidder. From within the bid go to one of the following locations (not all locations may be applicable to the bid):

  • RSVP for the Pre Bid Meeting (Bid Information tab)
  • Download documents with an * next to them or select Download Now (Documents/Attachments tab)
  • Select Ask Question (Q & A tab)
  •  Go to the Line Items tab (if there are no documents, this tab will force you to become a Prospective Bidder before you can view the items)
  • Click on "Place eBid"

How do I ask a question on a bid?

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From within the bid go to the Q & A tab (if there is no Q & A tab please refer to the bid documents for submission instructions). The Q & A submittal deadline will be shown at the top, left corner. If the date and time has not passed, you may select Ask Question. You may be prompted to log in if you have not already done so. Enter your first question and select Done. You may ask as many questions as necessary by selecting Add. You can edit or delete questions in your list. Once you have asked all your questions select Submit. An on screen pop up will confirm the submittal of your questions. You will also receive an email confirmation.

Note: Your question(s) will not be available to view until the Agency answers the questions and releases it to all the prospective bidders.

What is the difference between bids submitted Electronic Only, Paper Only or Electronic and Paper?

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Electronic Only: Bids must be submitted via the online eBidding system.

Paper Only: Hard copy bids must be submitted directly to the Agency.

Electronic and Paper: Bids can either be submitted via the online eBidding system or they can be sent directly to the Agency as a hard copy bid (Unless the agency specifies that both must be done. Please refer to bid documents for specific instructions).

Why is the “Place eBid” button grayed out?

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A restriction has been set on this bid. Only vendors meeting the restrictions are allowed to bid. Hover your cursor over the Place eBid button to view the restrictions for bidding that were placed on this bid.

Restrictions related to vendor registration data can be updated by editing your vendor profile. For restrictions by Group please contact the Agency.

What do I enter under Respondee?

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The respondee information fields require the Name, Title, Phone Number, and Email Address of the person completing and responsible for submitting the bid from your company.

I can only upload one document/attachment:

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The Agency sets the number of documents you may upload within each bid. If you only see one spot for an attachment but need to submit more than one file, you will need to either include all documents in one PDF, or attach a zip file. You may also contact the Agency to request an increase in the number of documents that you may upload.

I am trying to enter information into my eBid (line items, attachments, etc.) but it won’t let me click on anything.

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Please make sure that you have entered the eBid submittal form by selecting Place eBid.

If you are in the eBid submittal form be sure to select Edit.

Was my bid submitted successfully?

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Upon successful submission, you will receive an online confirmation number, and date and time stamp. You may select Summary within the confirmation box to print a full receipt of your bid submittal. You will also receive a confirmation email.

You can also log into the bid at any time and look at your current bid status at the bottom right corner of the bid information tabs. If the bid has not closed, then you can also re-enter the bid to confirm what you have submitted.

My bid has been invalidated, what does this mean?

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If an addendum is issued after you have submitted your bid, the bid will be invalidated. Your previous information will be saved as a draft. You will need to acknowledge the new addenda and resubmit your bid. Your original bid has been saved as a Draft and you may make edit changes, if necessary, prior to submitting.

What about privacy and security of information obtained?

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Please refer to the PlanetBids, Inc. privacy and security policies.

Are bid results posted to the website, if so, how do I obtain them?

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The Agency conducting the bid has full control over the posting of bid results. From the bid, go to the Bid Results tab. Bid results are listed in order from apparent lowest to highest bidder. The Agency has final determination on awardee(s). Double click on any of the bid results listed for more detail. The Agency has sole discretion on the level of information provided for bid results.

If the Agency so chooses, electronic bid results may be available immediately upon bid closing. Paper bid results will be available once the Agency has manually entered them into the system and released them to the public. Some results may be released at a later date or not at all.

Can I find bids that have been archived?

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No, once an Agency has archived a bid, it is no longer available to the public. You must contact the Agency to ask if they will remove it from their Archives so you may view the information.

Contact Us

We can also be reached at (818) 992-1771 Monday - Friday, between 7am and 5pm (Pacific), excluding statutory U.S. holidays.
