CFTOD Finds Transparency, Ease of Use with PlanetBids

Written by PlanetBids

Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


When the Reedy Creek Improvement District, once managed by the Walt Disney World Co., was restructured into the state-run Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD), the new leadership faced an urgent challenge: build a modern, fully transparent public procurement process from the ground up. 

For decades, purchasing decisions had been made behind closed doors. Now, with public scrutiny high and new procurement laws in place, Contracting Officer Tiffany Kimball needed to create a system that was not only transparent and publicly accessible but also easy for vendors and staff to use. 

"I was tasked with drafting and getting approved a procurement policy approved right away and finding a procurement software system to use,” Kimball said. “I had some hard requirements, and one of them was we were told to make sure that everything was 100 percent transparent." 

That's where PlanetBids came in. 

Download the case study to see how CFTOD used PlanetBids to build its first-ever public procurement program.

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